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🎉 ShipEngine is becoming ShipStation API 🎉

Over the next few months you'll notice the ShipEngine website, documentation portal, and dashboard being rebranded as ShipStation API. For our ShipEngine customers, you don't need to take any action or change any of your integrations in any way. All endpoints will remain the same and continue to function as they always have.

To learn more about what's coming, review our New ShipStation API page.

Tusk Logistics

Tusk Logistics offers domestic regional services for shippers located in the US and Canada.

This guide provides developers with the details needed to build Tusk Logistics shipping capabilities into your ShipEngine workflows.



Shipping Requirements

Both weight and dimensions are required to create labels for Tusk Logistics shipments.

Connect Account

You can connect a Tusk Logistics account using the POST method to the /v1/connections/carriers/ endpoint. Connecting a Tusk Logistics account via the ShipEngine Dashboard is not currently available.

Connect via Endpoint

carrier_name: tusk

POST /v1/connections/carriers/:carrier_name

Sample request:

POST /v1/connections/carriers/tusk HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"nickname": "My Tusk Logistics account",
"account_name": "a clever account name",
"api_key": "123456789"

A successful connection will return a response with the carrier_id, which you'll use for any requests for this account going forward.


Tusk Logistics supports the ability to get rates with ShipEngine. See our Calculate Shipping Costs pages for details about getting rates with ShipEngine.

Service Details

Available Tusk Logistics services are provided below. Please note that carriers may update their available services at any time. To ensure you are always using valid services, you can use the list carrier services endpoint at any time.

Domestic Services

ServiceAPI CodeShip From CountriesDescription
Tusk Groundtusk_groundUSDomestic service
GoBolttusk_goboltCanadaDomestic service

Return Services

Tusk Logistics does not currently support return services.


The following carrier package types are available for Tusk Logistics services:

NameAPI CodePackage Attributes

Label Support

  • Label sizes: 4" x 6"
  • Label formats: PDF, PNG, ZPL

Label Reference Fields

Tusk Logistics does not support custom label messages.

Multi-Package Labels

Tusk Logistics supports creating multi-package labels for both the Tusk Ground and GoBolt services.

See our Multi-Package Shipping page for details about creating multi-package labels.

Label Branding

Tusk Logistics does not support label branding.

Voiding Labels

Tusk Logistics supports voiding labels with ShipEngine. If you create a manifest for Tusk Logistics shipments, you can also void a label that has already been included on a manifest, but it must be done before the package has been handed over to the carrier.

See our Void a Label page for details about voiding labels with ShipEngine.

Paperless Labels

Tusk Logistics does not support paperless labels with ShipEngine.

Delivery Confirmation

Tusk Logistics does not support adding delivery confirmation to shipments.

Advanced Options

Tusk Logistics does not support any advanced options.


Tusk Logistics does support creating a manifest, but it is not required.

See our Manifests page for more details about creating manifests with ShipEngine.

Scheduling Pickups

Tusk Logistics does not support scheduling a pickup via ShipEngine.

Service Points (PUDO)

Tusk Logistics does not support shipping to service points.


ShipEngine's integration with Tusk Logistics supports receiving tracking updates. Review our ​Track a Package guides​​ for details on tracking with the ShipEngine API.

Disconnecting Your Tusk Logistics Account

See the Disconnect section in our Delete a Carrier page for the process of deleting or disconnecting a carrier from ShipEngine.