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🎉 ShipEngine is becoming ShipStation API 🎉

Over the next few months you'll notice the ShipEngine website, documentation portal, and dashboard being rebranded as ShipStation API. For our ShipEngine customers, you don't need to take any action or change any of your integrations in any way. All endpoints will remain the same and continue to function as they always have.

To learn more about what's coming, review our New ShipStation API page.

Update LTL Carrier Accounts

ShipEngine provides the ability to update the connection information for your connected LTL carriers. This allows you to update your authentication information without disconnecting and reconnecting the carrier.


  • The update request requires the carrier_code and the carrier_id be passed in the URL to indicate to ShipEngine which carrier connection you wish to update.
  • Each LTL carrier uses its own format for authentication, so the information your application must pass through ShipEngine depends on the carrier.

You can find the requirements for connecting each LTL carrier available through ShipEngine, including the credential requirements, on our Connect Carrier Accounts page. Additionally, you can list the credential requirements for a specific carrier.

Carrier Codes

In the request below, you will need to know the carrier_code for your LTL carrier. This code will be passed in the URL as a query string. This is what tells ShipEngine which carrier you are updating.

To see a list of LTL carriers and their corresponding SCAC, visit the Connect Carrier Accounts page.

Carrier IDs

Each of your LTL carriers has a unique carrier_id in ShipEngine. This ID represents your connection with a specific carrier and it is generated and returned when you connect a carrier account. You can use this carrier_id for many other ShipEngine endpoints to indicate which account to use.

You may retrieve information about your connected carriers, including the carrier_id, from our List Connected Carriers endpoint.

Example Request & Response

This is a sample request using generic authentication.

PUT /v-beta/ltl/connections/:carrier_code/:carrier_id

PUT /v-beta/ltl/connections/FXFE/6d989d94-0eb2-41cc-a0da-3f476a17d1b4 HTTP/1.1
API-Key: TEST_4HaHGNPNK8kdwhWpT13Wj7lvAaij36HxQ/2sFeC0czY
Content-Type: application/json
"credentials": {
"key": "The key provided by the carrier.",
"account_number": "The account number for your account with the carrier."

Example response:

"carrier_id": "aed2a8c0-7998-4fef-9a82-2cab5f527dc2"